Origin and development
The LEGO Group established the LEGO Foundation in 1986.
Headquartered in Billund, Denmark, the LEGO Foundation's mission is to improve children's lives and societies through the understanding and appreciation of the fundamental value of play.
In 2009, the LEGO Foundation began working in South Africa, founding Care for Education, a non-profit organization that works with local teachers to help children develop as holistic individuals using affordable, accessible tools.
Since 2018, the Danish LEGO Foundation has been working with the Ukrainian State Department of Education to introduce 6xBricks into the national primary school curriculum, with similar collaborations already underway in other countries.
Experience memory
The aim is to accumulate experience through practice and then put that experience into practice to improve performance.
Controlling oneself repressively
It strengthens your child's ability to think for themselves and control their impulses, resist temptations and distractions, and learn to think before acting.
Cognitive flexibility
It develops the ability to stick to plans and adapt as needs, priorities, or perspectives change.
Skills you will acquire through Six Brics
Cognitive abilities
Perceptual Ability
Social Skills

Computational capabilities
Language ability
Athletic ability
New Horizons and
New Horizons Education is the only educational institution in Japan with certified LEGO® Six Brick, LEGO® Serious Play® and LEGO DUPLO® Playbox instructors.
We have also introduced the SIX BRICKS program into our English courses, including after-school English classes and basic English classes.

![[After School] IG (7).png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c1f0d5_cedb2ef59b344142bcba6a0f7a9629a6~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_241,h_240,q_90/c1f0d5_cedb2ef59b344142bcba6a0f7a9629a6~mv2.png)